Daily update | 20 January, 2022




NuNet Development Outlook For 2022 — Part 1: Platform Development Model

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Author: Kabir Veitas
Claps: 302
Source: artificial-intelligence
Description: Greetings Singularitarians,

How to Become a Data Engineer in 2022

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Author: SeattleDataGuy
Claps: 66
Source: data-science
Description: From Skills To Standing Out

MANIA AI-Assisted NFT Trading — Part 2

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Author: Matrix AI Network
Claps: 53
Source: artificial-intelligence
Description: Trading on Ethereum Network

Bridging Data Science and Architectural Practice

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Author: KPF Urban Interface
Claps: 12
Source: data-science
Description: Emergent applications of cloud computing in practice and academia

8 Best Data Visualization Tools that Every Data Scientist Should Know

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Author: Claire D. Costa
Claps: 3
Source: data-science
Description: Powerful Data visualization tools that allow data scientists to communicate their findings more effectively


Can Reinforcement Learning learn to be deceptive?

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Source: datascience
Views: 133
Score: 3
Tags: machine-learning reinforcement-learning markov-process

Is the CDF of the Mean always 0.5 for all kind of distributions?

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Source: stats
Views: 397
Score: 3
Tags: distributions mathematical-statistics normal-distribution mean cumulative-distribution-function

How to define 2d-quantiles?

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Source: stats
Views: 26
Score: 3
Tags: distributions quantiles binning

Parition a multiset of numbers into two subsets, how to maximize the sum of their medians?

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Source: cs
Views: 34
Score: 3
Tags: algorithms greedy-algorithms partitions

Controlling for non-linear variable as part of feature importance modeling

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Source: stats
Views: 16
Score: 2
Tags: regression nonlinear-regression importance controlling-for-a-variable

The End