Daily update | 15 November, 2021




Teslas Next Giant Leap

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Author: Will Lockett
Claps: 771
Source: artificial-intelligence
Description: Upcoming tech could make Tesla untouchable.

Building Your First Network in PyTorch

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Author: Ta-Ying Cheng
Claps: 212
Source: artificial-intelligence
Description: A summary to kickstart your deep learning career.

Applications of Different Parts of an ROC Curve

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Author: Prince Grover
Claps: 154
Source: data-science
Description: Understanding the importance of different parts of an ROC curve and exploring variants of AUC for ML applications

Graph Machine Learning with Python pt. 1: Basics, Metrics, and Algorithms

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Author: Ani Madurkar
Claps: 118
Source: data-science
Description: An introduction to networks via key metrics and algorithms on a Football dataset

Machine Learning on Sound and Audio data

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Author: Joos Korstanje
Claps: 113
Source: artificial-intelligence
Description: Using a Genre Classification use case to learn how to apply Machine Learning to Sound and Audio data


How is CLT related to the condition of data (normality assumption)?

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Source: stats
Views: 443
Score: 5
Tags: normal-distribution normality-assumption central-limit-theorem

Reinforcement Learning applied to Optimisation Problem

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Source: datascience
Views: 21
Score: 3
Tags: python deep-learning reinforcement-learning optimization

Can I get some help on how to train a Word2Vec Model on a dictionary?

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Source: datascience
Views: 8
Score: 1
Tags: nlp word2vec

Structural induction proofs for regular expression

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Source: cs
Views: 14
Score: 1
Tags: finite-automata regular-expressions

The End