Daily update | 24 November, 2021




Китай и Запад создают два совсем разных ИИ

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Author: Сергей Карелов
Claps: 180
Source: artificial-intelligence
Description: Одному из них, возможно, придется исчезнуть, ибо сосуществовать им будет не проще, чем сапиенсам и неандертальцам

End-to-end machine learning project: Telco customer churn

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Author: Amanda Iglesias Moreno
Claps: 150
Source: artificial-intelligence
Description: Analyzing IBM telecommunications data (Kaggle dataset)

Valorant impact value: giving credit where credit is due

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Author: mateus b12
Claps: 64
Source: data-science
Description: It is indisputable that current Valorant stats are shallow, totally duelist-oriented and do not reflect the true impact of certain actions…

How we went from zero insight to predicting service time with a machine learning model — Part 1

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Author: Siri Bruskeland
Claps: 62
Source: machine-learning
Description: This is the first of two blog posts in this series

Time-Series Forecasting With Orbit

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Author: Molly Liebeskind
Claps: 30
Source: data-science
Description: User guide to deploying Uber’s new model for sales forecasting


How come model prediction accuracy high but model does not generalise well

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Source: stats
Views: 492
Score: 5
Tags: machine-learning cross-validation predictive-models overfitting

Imbalanced Dataset: Train/test split before and after SMOTE

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Source: datascience
Views: 251
Score: 4
Tags: python classification class-imbalance overfitting smote

Why does GLM with Gaussian family give different results to LM in R?

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Source: stats
Views: 50
Score: 3
Tags: r regression generalized-linear-model linear-model lsmeans

How to measure volatility of a categorial variable?

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Source: stats
Views: 18
Score: 3
Tags: r categorical-data volatility

Standardization vs min-max scaling

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Source: datascience
Views: 38
Score: 2
Tags: machine-learning neural-network feature-scaling

The End