Daily update | 28 November, 2021




A Critical Look at How Data Science is “Taught”

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Author: Andre Ye
Claps: 6
Source: machine-learning
Description: A weakness in non-institutional data science education

Art In ARTificial Intelligence

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Author: Swadeep Singh
Claps: 5
Source: data-science
Description: How many times it happens that after developing a great Machine Learning model, we hear ‘Good Job’, which is first followed by hurdles to…

Augmented Intelligence 4.0

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Author: ahmet melih aşan
Claps: 3
Source: artificial-intelligence
Description: We live in the century when intelligence is blessed. Tests and types of intelligence have almost gone on the black market.. The AI…

Artırılmış Zeka 4.0

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Author: ahmet melih aşan
Claps: 2
Source: artificial-intelligence
Description: Zekanın kutsandığı bir çağda yaşıyoruz. Zeka testleri, çeşitleri karaborsa.. Yapay olanı pek itibarlı.. Çocuklarımız da zekadan hep…

Hands-on reinforcement learning course — part 1

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Author: Pau Labarta Bajo
Claps: 2
Source: machine-learning
Description: From zero to hero. Step by step.


matrix-calculus - Understanding numerator/denominator layouts

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Source: stats
Views: 61
Score: 4
Tags: machine-learning neural-networks gradient-descent derivative matrix-calculus

What do high dimensional cauchy distributions look like?

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Source: stats
Views: 29
Score: 4
Tags: normal-distribution large-data high-dimensional cauchy-distribution

What exactly are order statistics?

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Source: stats
Views: 51
Score: 3
Tags: sampling random-variable order-statistics

Is there such a thing as an order-$k$ RNN?

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Source: stats
Views: 5
Score: 2
Tags: neural-networks markov-process hidden-markov-model

The End