Daily update | 04 January, 2022




Augmented Database Management: A Brief Overview

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Author: Mayuresh Joshi
Claps: 433
Source: machine-learning
Description: An efficiently designed database management system is essential for an enterprise aiming to maximize the impact of their analytics…

如何準備資料科學面試 1:統計、機率與機器學習篇

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Author: David Huang
Claps: 125
Source: data-science
Description: 以前我曾經寫過一篇顧問業「個案面試」(case interview) 的想法,後來有不少朋友私底下也詢問我如何準備「資料科學家」的面試,因此我想總結一下我自己過去找工作面試與以及擔任面試官的一些心得與想法。

Predictive Modeling Using Sklearn

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Author: Himanshu Sharma
Claps: 84
Source: artificial-intelligence
Description: Using Imodels for Creating Concise Transparent and Accurate Predictive Models

5 Julia Projects for Beginners — Easy Ideas to Get Started Coding in Julia

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Author: Logan Kilpatrick
Claps: 30
Source: machine-learning
Description: Learn Julia by building Madlibs, Guess the Number Game, Computer Number Guesser, Rock Paper Scissors, and a password generator.

Google Analytics Customer Revenue Prediction

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Author: Saurabh Kumar
Claps: 11
Source: machine-learning
Description: A case study of a kaggle competetion


Can anyone point me to the original derivation of the Poisson distribution?

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Source: stats
Views: 212
Score: 8
Tags: probability distributions poisson-distribution

Correlation without Causation

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Source: stats
Views: 83
Score: 4
Tags: correlation causality dag

Why leave-one-out cross validation fails to detect overfit?

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Source: stats
Views: 218
Score: 4
Tags: machine-learning cross-validation overfitting

Adjusting for Confounding by Subtracting of Mean instead of inclusion in Model?

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Source: stats
Views: 27
Score: 4
Tags: r regression hypothesis-testing p-value confounding

Using PELT changepoint detection for observation counts data

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Source: stats
Views: 23
Score: 2
Tags: python change-point structural-change

The End