Daily update | 10 March, 2022




Low-rank matrix completion is NP-hard

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Source: cs
Views: 21
Score: 3
Tags: optimization reductions np-hard matrices sparse-matrices

Is Kernel-Regression parametric or non-parametric?

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Source: stats
Views: 26
Score: 2
Tags: regression mathematical-statistics nonparametric kernel-smoothing parametric

Closed form for a markov chain, where transition probabilities depend on $n$?

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Source: stats
Views: 41
Score: 2
Tags: probability markov-process

Sorted degrees and maximal degree in dynamic graphs

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Source: cs
Views: 25
Score: 2
Tags: algorithms graphs online-algorithms streaming-algorithm dynamic-graphs

OLS is BLUE (or BUE) to minimize MSE. Is quantile regression is BLUE to minimize MAE?

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Source: stats
Views: 26
Score: 1
Tags: least-squares quantile-regression gauss-markov-theorem

The End