Daily update | 20 March, 2022




Infer $p(x|y)$ given $p(y|x)$ and $p(y)$

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Source: stats
Views: 42
Score: 3
Tags: probability bayesian inference marginal-distribution

Confusion on causation and association defined in Hernan, Robins

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Source: stats
Views: 9
Score: 2
Tags: mathematical-statistics causality definition

Greedy filling unit intervals

Img missing!

Source: cs
Views: 15
Score: 2
Tags: algorithms sorting greedy-algorithms intervals

Anova table for linear model, $3$ treatment groups with model $Y_i = 4+6 I_{1,i}-1 I_{2,i}$

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Source: stats
Views: 16
Score: 1
Tags: regression anova categorical-encoding

Why is the L2 penalty squared but the L1 penalty isn't in elastic-net regression?

Img missing!

Source: datascience
Views: 11
Score: 1
Tags: regression lasso elastic-net sparsity

The End