Daily update | 26 March, 2022




What properties must a string satisfy to be a possible output of the Burrows-Wheeler transform?

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Source: cs
Views: 19
Score: 2
Tags: algorithms strings data-compression

why I am getting TP and FP in confusion matrix is 0, how to get it right?

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Source: stats
Views: 11
Score: 2
Tags: confusion-matrix false-positive-rate true-positive-rate

symmetrization in glivenko-cantelli proof

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 24
Score: 2
Tags: probability probability-inequalities empirical-cumulative-distr-fn

why are there many different ways to achieve stationarity?

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 19
Score: 2
Tags: machine-learning time-series stationarity

Sample size for SHAP explainer and range of a SHAP value

Img missing!

Source: datascience
Views: 11
Score: 2
Tags: machine-learning classification predictive-modeling random-forest shap

The End