Daily update | 08 April, 2022




Testing if a sample follows a given distribution

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Source: stats
Views: 327
Score: 8
Tags: hypothesis-testing chi-squared-test

Matching on pre-treatment outcome $z$-score in diff-in-diff analysis to avoid regression toward the mean bias in $ATT$ estimates?

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Source: stats
Views: 7
Score: 2
Tags: difference-in-difference matching z-score counterfactuals regression-to-the-mean

power analysis via Monte Carlo when effect size, means, and std unknown

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 5
Score: 2
Tags: statistical-power monte-carlo

Extract valuable information from a list of dates for Machine Learning

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 7
Score: 2
Tags: machine-learning python data-transformation feature-engineering

Mixed effects model: nesting when having a maximum of 2 cases per multiple nests?

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 21
Score: 2
Tags: mixed-model lme4-nlme random-effects-model nested-data

The End