Daily update | 28 May, 2022




Taylor expansion in Hoeffding's Lemma proof

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Source: stats
Views: 149
Score: 5
Tags: inequality taylor-series hoeffdings-inequality

Product of two independent Student distributions

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Source: stats
Views: 66
Score: 5
Tags: probability bayesian mathematical-statistics inference t-distribution

What are the k-means algorithm assumptions?

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Source: stats
Views: 90
Score: 4
Tags: hypothesis-testing clustering references k-means assumptions

Is there a meaning to the integral of $x \times f(x)$ over a range that is not infinite?

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Source: stats
Views: 50
Score: 3
Tags: density-function integral range

Maximum Likelihood with Categorical Variables - Does this Change Anything?

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Source: stats
Views: 218
Score: 3
Tags: r regression maximum-likelihood survival

The End