Daily update | 06 June, 2022




Is it provably true/false that for a program, there exists a proof whether it halts or not?

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Source: cs
Views: 703
Score: 6
Tags: logic halting-problem termination

Should a likelihood ratio test be performed on train or test data?

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Source: stats
Views: 18
Score: 2
Tags: predictive-models likelihood-ratio

Solving the maximum flow problem in the real world

Img missing!

Source: cs
Views: 21
Score: 2
Tags: network-flow physics

why some pooled variance has "average" and some just uses direct sum without avg?

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 22
Score: 1
Tags: variance pooling

can UTC replace Lamport logical clocks?

Img missing!

Source: cs
Views: 14
Score: 1
Tags: distributed-systems clocks

The End