Daily update | 22 July, 2022




Can a timeseries with a clear trend be considered stationary?

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Source: stats
Views: 144
Score: 6
Tags: r time-series trend augmented-dickey-fuller

Data Imbalance: what would be an ideal number(ratio) of newly added class's data?

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 107
Score: 4
Tags: dataset unbalanced-classes

double-tail Bayesian "p value" à la MCMCglmm

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Source: stats
Views: 14
Score: 4
Tags: bayesian p-value

Allow gradient descent to go beyond constraint but punish for it

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Source: stats
Views: 20
Score: 3
Tags: gradient-descent fitting constrained-regression

Poisson distribution with a constant term

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 35
Score: 3
Tags: generalized-linear-model poisson-regression discrete-data

The End