Daily update | 19 August, 2022




How to prove that $\frac{\int_{\{X\in B\}} P(A|X)(\omega)dP(\omega)}{P(X\in B)}=P(A\mid X\in B)$?

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Source: stats
Views: 22
Score: 4
Tags: probability self-study conditional-probability

PCA trick to ensure consistent eigenvector signs

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Source: stats
Views: 26
Score: 3
Tags: pca

R and Time Series Analysis; Suggestions for forecasting a series with a shock

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Source: stats
Views: 40
Score: 3
Tags: r time-series forecasting arima garch

Are there problems in $P$, long suspected to be $NPC$ (or $NPI$)?

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Source: cs
Views: 22
Score: 2
Tags: complexity-theory p-vs-np

Derivation of the vertex value of quadratic term in GLM in R

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Source: stats
Views: 22
Score: 2
Tags: r generalized-linear-model quadratic-form

The End