Daily update | 10 October, 2022




How do I test $H_0 : \beta_1\leq 2$ in R?

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Source: stats
Views: 56
Score: 3
Tags: r regression

Conditions for Poisson regression to outperfom OLS in linear inverse problems

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Source: stats
Views: 28
Score: 2
Tags: regression least-squares poisson-regression

Using a multiple regression model for my cost estimation

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 38
Score: 1
Tags: regression multiple-regression

Designing a Data Structure that allows both insertion and extracting a number lower than median in amoritzed O(1) cost?

Img missing!

Source: cs
Views: 12
Score: 1
Tags: algorithms data-structures amortized-analysis

Spiked Covariance Model and PCA

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 14
Score: 1
Tags: pca covariance-matrix

The End