Daily update | 02 December, 2022




How to reference lm function in R?

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Source: stats
Views: 61
Score: 4
Tags: r regression references

Why would a Linear SVM perform worse than Logistic Regression?

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Source: stats
Views: 89
Score: 3
Tags: machine-learning logistic svm hyperparameter

Why does a 1D convolution increase the size of the output, while a 2D convolution tends to decrease (such as in a CNN?)

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Source: stats
Views: 615
Score: 3
Tags: neural-networks conv-neural-network convolution

Searching an algorithm to generate Tectonic/Seguru puzzle

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Source: cs
Views: 25
Score: 2
Tags: algorithms

Is there a fast pseudo polynomial solution to the subset sum problem (SSP) on abelian groups instead of integers?

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Source: cs
Views: 15
Score: 2
Tags: dynamic-programming discrete-mathematics knapsack-problems mathematical-programming subset-sum

The End