Daily update | 09 December, 2022




Does the use of OLS imply the model is linear in parameters?

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Source: stats
Views: 64
Score: 6
Tags: regression least-squares references linear-model terminology

Reason behind only using internal knots when defining basis splines

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Source: stats
Views: 82
Score: 2
Tags: regression generalized-linear-model generalized-additive-model splines pymc

The equivalence between two sufficient statistics for the same parameter $\theta$

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Source: stats
Views: 74
Score: 2
Tags: self-study mathematical-statistics sufficient-statistics

Logistic regression with two slopes and one intercept

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Source: stats
Views: 20
Score: 2
Tags: r regression logistic generalized-linear-model

Why cant use Linear Regression before Logistic Regression estimation?

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 43
Score: 1
Tags: regression logistic classification least-squares

The End