Daily update | 01 February, 2023




Why do Bayesians care about the frequentist properties of Bayesian credible intervals?

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Source: stats
Views: 39
Score: 5
Tags: bayesian confidence-interval frequentist credible-interval

Detecting if three Turing Machines halt given a magic oracle that is only used twice

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Source: cs
Views: 383
Score: 3
Tags: turing-machines halting-problem oracle-machines

How to assess the validity of random effects assumptions in models with interaction and time covariates?

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Source: stats
Views: 30
Score: 2
Tags: regression mixed-model meta-analysis fixed-effects-model hierarchical-bayesian

How can I compute the set of interventional probability distributions compatible with a DAG?

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Source: stats
Views: 11
Score: 2
Tags: conditional-probability causality bayesian-network dag

Least squares problem penalising the number of non-zero coefficients

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 27
Score: 2
Tags: regression machine-learning least-squares regularization

The End