Daily update | 16 February, 2023




Why does the MAP differ from the MAP for the uniform prior in Laplace's Rule?

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Source: stats
Views: 29
Score: 4
Tags: bayesian maximum-likelihood map-estimation

random number generation of truncated multivariate normal distribution

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 132
Score: 3
Tags: random-variable random-generation truncated-normal-distribution truncated-distributions

Is SVM rotation invariant?

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 26
Score: 3
Tags: machine-learning linear-model data-transformation svm

Find mean and variance using characteristic function

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 72
Score: 3
Tags: probability distributions self-study characteristic-function

normalizing euclidean distance

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 9
Score: 2
Tags: python numpy euclidean

The End