Daily update | 06 March, 2023




Is this summary of MCMC correct?

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Source: stats
Views: 79
Score: 4
Tags: self-study bayesian markov-chain-montecarlo

What “selection” does LASSO do?

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Source: stats
Views: 31
Score: 2
Tags: regression machine-learning feature-selection lasso regularization

Is it ok to run post hoc comparisons if ANOVA is nearly significant?

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 24
Score: 2
Tags: anova post-hoc

Is the following language recognizable by a visibly pushdown automata?

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Source: cs
Views: 25
Score: 2
Tags: formal-languages automata pushdown-automata

Hypothesis Test for Ranked Preference?

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 21
Score: 1
Tags: hypothesis-testing statistical-significance survey friedman-test

The End