Daily update | 08 March, 2023




Question about sample size indicated from power analysis for chi-square analysis in Python

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Source: stats
Views: 166
Score: 4
Tags: mathematical-statistics statistical-significance python statistical-power

Why is chi-squared divided by degrees of freedom a measure of model goodness of fit?

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Source: stats
Views: 40
Score: 3
Tags: logistic chi-squared-test goodness-of-fit

In what sense is one latent causal structure "preferred to" another? Definition 2.3.3 from Causality by Pearl

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Source: stats
Views: 23
Score: 3
Tags: causality graphical-model bayesian-network causal-diagram

Alternative to chi-squared goodness-of-fit test for very small sample size

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Source: stats
Views: 22
Score: 2
Tags: chi-squared-test

How to generate a propensity score for a continuous treatment in R?

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Source: stats
Views: 22
Score: 2
Tags: structural-equation-modeling propensity-scores lavaan

The End