Daily update | 19 March, 2023




What interpretation do REML/fREML values provide in generalized additive models (GAMs)?

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Source: stats
Views: 62
Score: 3
Tags: r regression generalized-additive-model mgcv reml

Evaluating goodness-of-fit for GARCH models in R with QQ-plots (rugarch package)

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Source: stats
Views: 13
Score: 3
Tags: r time-series goodness-of-fit garch qq-plot

LMM repeated measures (dependent) accounted for by my model?

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 16
Score: 2
Tags: lme4-nlme

Mann-Whitney U test returning small p value

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Source: stats
Views: 18
Score: 2
Tags: hypothesis-testing python wilcoxon-mann-whitney-test scipy

What is the difference between these two mixed model specifications?

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 18
Score: 1
Tags: r regression mixed-model lme4-nlme jasp

The End