Daily update | 07 May, 2023




Error in Gaussian Process Implementation

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Source: stats
Views: 91
Score: 3
Tags: python gaussian-process

Is the sum of the diagonal elements of a covariance matrix always equal or larger than the sum of it's off-diagonal elements?

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Source: stats
Views: 42
Score: 2
Tags: probability mathematical-statistics descriptive-statistics

Why do we use main function in almost all the programming languages?

Img missing!

Source: cs
Views: 392
Score: 2
Tags: programming-languages

Linear Regression with Neural Net with betas as output

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Source: stats
Views: 39
Score: 2
Tags: neural-networks

Presenting separate linear regression models in one regression table?

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 10
Score: 1
Tags: r regression linear-model r-squared

The End