Daily update | 30 June, 2023




Distribution of vector of $n$ Bernoulli trials

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Source: stats
Views: 37
Score: 3
Tags: probability distributions mathematical-statistics multinomial-distribution bernoulli-distribution

Bias-Variance tradeoff in causal inference

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Source: stats
Views: 19
Score: 2
Tags: predictive-models causality bias-variance-tradeoff

Understanding ICC and R2 in a MLM

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Source: stats
Views: 16
Score: 1
Tags: mixed-model r-squared intraclass-correlation

Why do residuals of linear regression model need to be normally distributed?

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Source: datascience
Views: 22
Score: 1
Tags: regression linear-regression model-evaluations

some data points are displaced from a diagonal linear line on a "true - prediction" plot, How can we analyze the reason?

Img missing!

Source: datascience
Views: 17
Score: 1
Tags: machine-learning data-science-model

The End