Daily update | 06 July, 2023




What's the fastest known non-galactic algorithm for matrix multiplication of large matrices

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Source: cs
Views: 41
Score: 3
Tags: algorithms complexity-theory big-o-notation matrices matrix-multiplication

Combinatorial/probabilistic meaning/analogy for $x^n / n!$

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Source: stats
Views: 39
Score: 3
Tags: probability experiment-design combinatorics taylor-series

Uncertainty of the area of a Gaussian curve atop a linear background

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 20
Score: 3
Tags: normal-distribution optimization curve-fitting uncertainty

What exactly does the “symmetric distribution” assumption of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test refer to?

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 47
Score: 3
Tags: statistical-significance nonparametric wilcoxon-signed-rank

The End