Daily update | 12 September, 2023



Distribution of a sum of linear combinations of random variables, each drawn from a set of random variables

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Source: stats
Views: 178
Score: 3
Tags: normal-distribution random-variable covariance uniform-distribution

Obtaining Residual Sum of Squares from a large OLS problem using a naive sequential approach - why doesn't it work?

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Source: stats
Views: 34
Score: 2
Tags: multiple-regression least-squares linear-model linear partial-least-squares

Calibrated probability scores of SVC span an unexpected range

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Source: datascience
Views: 14
Score: 1
Tags: machine-learning classification scikit-learn svm prediction

Can you combine effects from both the composite and domain levels of questionnaires in a meta-analysis?

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Source: stats
Views: 18
Score: 1
Tags: correlation multivariate-analysis meta-analysis non-independent

Analysing agreement with many dimensions to the data

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Source: stats
Views: 14
Score: 1
Tags: cohens-kappa

The End