Daily update | 25 September, 2023



Why is the space complexity of KNN $O(dN)$?

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 26
Score: 3
Tags: k-nearest-neighbour

Strong consistency of kernel density estimator

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Source: stats
Views: 20
Score: 1
Tags: estimation nonparametric convergence kernel-smoothing consistency

How does Huber compute the $\operatorname{var}(s_n)/E[s_n]$ and $\operatorname{var}(d_n)/E[d_n]$?

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 27
Score: 1
Tags: mathematical-statistics estimators robust robust-standard-error huber

Prediction based on new data in the tsDyn package

Img missing!

Source: stats
Views: 19
Score: 1
Tags: r time-series predictive-models cointegration

Why do my tf-idf values not appear consistent?

Img missing!

Source: datascience
Views: 8
Score: 0
Tags: python scikit-learn nltk tfidf

The End