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Data-to-Text Generation


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  • Data to Text generation is a task with structured data as input and unstructured text as output. As an example, consider the use case of trying to summarize a table data, where table is the input and text as output.
  • KELM [3] is an interesting example. In the paper, the authors try to train a language model using Knowledge graph triplets. But as a KG stores structured data, the first task done by authors was to create subgraphs of KG and verbalize it (as shown below)

An example illustration of converting an entity subgraph (in bubbles) into synthetic natural sentences (far right). [3]

  • For this they "developed a verbalization pipeline named “Text from KG Generator” (TEKGEN), which is made up of the following components: a large training corpus of heuristically aligned Wikipedia text and Wikidata KG triples, a text-to-text generator (T5) to convert the KG triples to text, an entity subgraph creator for generating groups of triples to be verbalized together, and finally, a post-processing filter to remove low quality outputs. The result is a corpus containing the entire Wikidata KG as natural text, which we call the Knowledge-Enhanced Language Model (KELM) corpus. It consists of ~18M sentences spanning ~45M triples and ~1500 relations." [3]


[1] NLP Progress - Data-to-Text Generation

[2] The 2020 Bilingual, Bi-Directional WebNLG+ Shared Task: Overview and Evaluation Results (WebNLG+ 2020)

[3] KELM: Integrating Knowledge Graphs with Language Model Pre-training Corpora